U.S. Army Authorized Protective Eyewear List (APEL) - список допущенных к использованию в Армии США защитных очков. Данный список создан чтобы определять какое обмундирование можно использовать солдатам.
APEL и страйкбол
Особый интерес представляет тот факт, что некоторые команды в рамках моделирования предписывают бойцам использовать данный список как образец при закупках снаряжения для страйкбола. Например, этим списком пользуется cтрайкбольная команда 10th Mountain Division. Данный список идентичен списку MILITARY COMBAT EYE PROTECTION (MCEP).
Revision’s Sawfly Spectacle and Desert Locust Goggle are on the U.S. Army’s Authorized Protective Eyewear List (APEL). This is a list of ballistic eyewear that has been approved for combat use by the U.S. Army and Air Force. Also on the APEL list is the Revision Rx Carrier, a prescription insert that is compatible with both the Sawfly Spectacle and Desert Locust Goggle9.
Полезные материалы по теме
1 Revision Eyewear. “Revision Eyewear Concludes Canadian Department of National Defence Fulfillment.” Army-Technology.com. May 5, 2005 //www.army-technology.com/contractors/personal/revision/press4.html.
2 National Defence and the Canadian Forces. “National Defence Awards Ballistic Protective Visor Contract.” Forces.gc.ca. May 11, 2004 //www.forces.gc.ca/site/news-nouvelles/news-nouvelles-eng.asp?cat=00&id=1380
3 Lowe, Mark. “Revision Eyewear Marks Fifth Anniversary By Announcing Two Major Contracts With the US Army.” Revisioneyewear.com. February 27, 2007. //www.revisioneyewear.com/upload/files/NEWSRELEASE_270207C.pdf
4 Revision Eyewear. “Revision Eyewear Establishes German Sales Office.” Revisioneyewear.com. March 13, 2009. //www.revisioneyewear.com/upload/files/NEWSRELEASE_130309.pdf
5 Heiting, Gary. Safety Glasses and Goggles: Protective Eyewear for Work, Home and Play. Allaboutvision.com. May 2008. //www.allaboutvision.com/safety/safety-glasses.htm
6 Safety Specs. “Prescription Safety Eyewear: British Standards (European Standard EN 166:2002 - specifications/markings). Safetyspecs.co.uk. 2007. //www.safetyspecs.co.uk/BS%20EN%20166.htm
7 Safety Glasses USA. MIL-PRF-31013 Summary. Safetyglassesusa.com. 2010. //www.safetyglassesusa.com/milprf31013.html
8 Gullifer, Kathleen. Detail Specification Visors, Flyer’s Helmet, Polycarbonate. Everyspec.com. October 12, 2006. //www.everyspec.com/MIL-SPECS/MIL+SPECS+(MIL-DTL)/download.php?spec=MIL-DTL-43511D.015101.PDF
9 Preston, Kenneth. “Leader Book Notes- Authorized Protective Eyewear List.” Army.mil. June 20, 2008. //www.army.mil/-news/2008/06/20/10229-leaders-book-notes---authorized-protective-eyewear-list/