Армия Ливана: Нарукавные знаки мотострелковых бригад

Airborne brigade

Airborne brigade

Нарукавный знак 6-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 6-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

The 6th Infantry Brigade was founded on 6 February 1983. In 1983 Sixth Brigade (Beirut) was commanded by Col. Lutfi Jabir, who was formerly attached to the Syrian-dominated Arab Deterrent Force. The mainly Shia Muslim Sixth Brigade had been commanded by a Christian officer, Colonel Lufti Jabar, and consisted of 1,600 soldiers and officers. Its mission had been to maintain order in West Beirut. It refused to participate in the February 1986 combat between the Shia Amal militia and the Lebanese Army, however; as a result, the Fifth Brigade was expelled from West Beirut. After the Sixth Brigade split off from the army command structure, it was taken over by a new officer, Major General Abd al Halim Kanj, and its ranks swelled to 6,000 men as Muslims from other army brigades deserted to join their coreligionists. In 1987 the Sixth Brigade was stationed in Shihab barracks in the southern suburbs of Beirut and was under the operational control of the Amal militia.

Нарукавный знак 6-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 4-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 4-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Prior to the declaration of Lebanon's independence on November 22nd 1943, the various military units were combined into the fifth Brigade under the command of Colonel Fouad Chehab. The 5th Infantry Brigade was re-founded on 1 January 1983. In 1983 Fifth Brigade (Mount Lebanon) was commanded by Col. Gabriel Arsuni. The Fifth Brigade in 1987 consisted of approximately 2,000 mostly Maronite troops under the command of Colonel Khalil Kanaan. The brigade's administrative headquarters was located in Sarba, north of Juniyah, an LF stronghold. It consisted of three infantry battalions and an artillery unit stationed in Brumanna, east of Beirut. In 1987 Fifth Brigade units were deployed in the strategic town of Suq al Gharb to prevent Druze militiamen from shelling the capital. The Fifth Brigade was regarded as loyal to the president, but observers believed that if called upon to fight a Christian militia, it might remain neutral.

Нарукавный знак 4-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 4-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 3-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 3-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

The 3rd Infantry Brigade was founded on 18 January 1983. In 1983 Third Brigade (Sidon) was commanded by Col. Sa'id al—Qa'qur. At that time is was presumed that this brigade would eventually patrol in the South along the Israeli border. Until early 1983, units in Sidon assigned to this brigade could not leave Israeli-controlled areas for training, but that was no longer the case by mid-1983. As of 1987, the Third Brigade had disbanded.

Нарукавный знак 3-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 2-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 2-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

The 2nd Infantry Brigade was founded on 18 January 1983. In 1983 Second Brigade (Northern Lebanon) was commanded by Col. ‘Assam Abu Jamra. As of 1987, the Second Brigade, which had been a mostly Sunni unit stationed in Tripoli, had dispersed.

Нарукавный знак 2-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 2-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 1-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 1-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

Нарукавный знак 1-ой мотострелковой бригады Вооруженных сил Ливана

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