Армия Ливана: Нарукавные знаки пехотных бригад

SF pocket badge

SF pocket badge

Lebanese Commando pocket badge

Lebanese Commando pocket badge

Strike Force

Strike Force

Lebanese Commando Brigade

Lebanese Commando Brigade

Нарукавный знак 8-ой пехотной бригады Ливанской армии

Нарукавный знак 8-ой пехотной бригады Ливанской армии

The 8th Infantry Brigade was founded on 1 January 1983. In 1983 Eighth Brigade (Mount Lebanon near Beirut) was commanded by Col. Michel'Awn. The newest brigade organization, three battalions were designated as its nucleus in early 1983. The Eighth Brigade, commanded by Colonel Salim Kassis, was the strongest, best equipped, best trained, and most elite unit in the Lebanese Army in 1987. It was regarded as loyal to the president and the government. It consisted of 2,000 men, about 80 percent of whom were Christians from the northern region of Akkar, with the remaining 20 percent Sunni Muslims. It included a mechanized battalion equipped with ninety United States-made armored personnel carriers, an armored battalion with thirty-three United States-made M-48 tanks, and a missile battalion equipped with eighteen pieces of field artillery. It was stationed at the Presidential Palace at Babda and at the Ministry of Defense in the Yarzah section of Beirut. In 1983 the Eighth Brigade bore the brunt of fighting against Druze militia in Suq al Gharb and against leftist militia in West Beirut.

Нарукавный знак 8-ой пехотной бригады Ливанской армии

Нарукавный знак 8-ой пехотной бригады Ливанской армии

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