Southern European Task Force ( Airborne Elements)
35th Signal bde
23rd coy6th engineer bn 3rd Maneuver Enhancement bde
US army parachutist team " Golden Knights"
20th Engineers bde
44th Medical bde
6th battalion 2nd Engineers bde
108th Air Defience Artillery bde
18th Field Artillery bde
18th Aviation bde
4th Brigade Combat Team 25th Infantry division
Allied Airborne Command
71/36th Airborne bde
80th Airborne Division ( obsolute)
2nd Airborne bde
101st sustainment bde
8th Airborne division
Нашивка 18 Десантной дивизии США
Нашивка 18 Десантной дивизии США
Нашивка 21 Десантной дивизии США
Нашивка 6 Десантной дивизии США.
Нашивка 9 Десантной дивизии армии США.
Нашивка 108 Десантной дивизии армии США.
11-я воздушно-десантная дивизия США
Нарукавный знак 135-я воздушно-десантная дивизия США
Нарукавный знак 18 воздушно-десантного корпуса СВ США
Issuing from the sinister side of a 2 1/4 inch (5.72 cm) white square, flat side up, a blue dragon’s head all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) blue border. (The dragon’s tongue points to dexter base corner.) Immediately above and touching the insignia a blue arc tab 11/16 inch (1.75 cm) in width, 2 1/2 inches (6.35 cm) in length containing white letters “AIRBORNE” 5/16 inch (2.38 cm) in height.
The dragon’s head is representative of cunning, endurance and ferocity against enemies and is symbolic of the strategy and powerful attack of the Corps.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the 18th Army Corps on 15 February 1944. It was amended to change the description and add the airborne tab on 1 May 1950. The insignia was redesignated for the XVIII Airborne Corps on 16 September 1958. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-73)
The 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team Patch. US Army
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
On a blue silhouetted right cylinder 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 2 inches (5.08 cm) in width overall within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) white border a vertical white wing in flight, the ulna (lower end) extended and hooked around a red bayonet. Attached above the insignia is a blue tab inscribed "AIRBORNE" in white.
The bayonet is used to refer to the brigade being borne by the wing alludes to the brigade's airborne status. Red, white and blue are the national colors.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved on 13 May 1963. It was amended to correct the dimensions on 29 July 1963. The insignia was amended to include the tab and update the description on 26 April 2000. It was redesignated for the 173d Airborne Brigade Combat Team on 11 October 2006. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-310)
The 101st Airborne Division Patch. US Army
Основой эмблемы 101-ой дивизии белоголовый орлан, который был талисманом 8-го пехотного полка из штата Висконсин в годы Гражданской войны. Талисман получил названия Старый Эйб - Боевой Орел. Старый Эйб был со своим полком не только на марше и в лагере, но и в бою.
The 82nd Airborne Division Patch. US Army
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
Upon a red square 2 3/8 inches (6.03 cm) on a side a blue disc 1 3/4 inches (4.45 cm) in diameter with the letters AA in white. The inner elements of the two A’s vertical lines and the outer elements arcs of a circle 1 3/8 inches (3.49 cm) in diameter, elements of the letters 1/8 inch (.32 cm) in width. Attached immediately above the square is a blue tab with the word “AIRBORNE” in white.
The double “A” refers to the nickname “All American Division” adopted by the organization in France during World War I.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved for the 82d Division by the Adjutant General, American Expeditionary Forces on 21 October 1918 and was confirmed by The Adjutant General on 8 July 1922. The insignia was redesignated for the 82d Airborne Division and an “Airborne” tab authorized on 31 August 1942. Authorization for the tab was rescinded on 29 January 1947 and subsequently restored on 23 December 1948 and announced later on 1 March 1949. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-129)
The 17 Airborne Division Patch. US Army
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
On a black disc 2 1/4 inches (5.72 cm) in diameter a talon of an American eagle in gold issuant; on tab placed 1/4 inch (.64 cm) above the disc the word “AIRBORNE” in gold on a black background.
The talon represents the seizing and holding ability of an airborne division. The black background is symbolic of the darkness during which an airborne attack might often be made.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 8 February 1943. The airborne tab was rescinded on 29 January 1947. The airborne tab was restored on 1 March 1949.
The 13 Airborne Division Patch. US Army
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
On an ultramarine blue shield 2 3/4 inches (6.99 cm) in height and 2 inches (5.08 cm) in width a winged unicorn issuant from base in golden orange. Worn above the shield a black tab with the word “AIRBORNE” in golden orange letters.
The unicorn is associated, by tradition, with qualities of virtue, courage and strength. The horn of the unicorn signifies extreme courage. All of such virtues should be cultivated in all units. It is hoped that these virtues will be conspicuous in the 13th Airborne Division. The unicorn has been winged to represent its travel in the air as “Airborne.” The blue background is the color of the Infantry, which is the basic arm of the Division, and also indicates the sky, which is the distinctive medium of travel for the Division.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 2 June 1943.
Skies miles qualification tabs of 171st Infantry bde( obsolute)
24th Infantry Division( obsolute) ~1950-60
Joint Communications support element ( Airborne)
2nd Signal Brigade signal detachment
508th Parachutist Infantry Regiment ( obsolute)
75th Ranger regiment( Airborne) ( obsolute)
525th Military Intelligence bde( Airborne) renamed to BfSB
504th Battlefield Surveillance bde 38th Cavalry( LRS/Airborne)
201st Battlefield Surveillance bde 38th Cavalry ( LRS/ Airborne)
71st Ordinance group ( airborne element)
406th Army Field Support Bde ( Airborne elements)
1st Corps Support Command ( Airborne elements)
16th Military Police bde
Joint Readiness Training Center ( Airborne elements)
82nd Sustainment bde
Airborne and Infantry school
100th Airborne Division ( obsolute)
187th Regiment Combat Team
Нарукавный знак 11-ой авиационной штурмовой дивизии. США